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BASIC INFORMATION FOR DATA PROTECTION: In order to achieve our task of giving information to the interested parties regarding circumstances and conditions for treating their data and their corresponding rights, we inform you the following:


PURPOSE FOR DATA MANAGEMENT: We have the right to managing and answer all queries.

DATA FILING: The data shall be filed and maintained in our system the necessary time during our relationship and enforceable according to law, being such to be destroyed after this period through safe procedures of our organization.

LEGITIMACY FOR DATA TREATMENT: Legitimate interest of the interested parties to give service and answer the information form.

ADDRESSEES OF PERSONAL DATA: It is not permitted to allow the data transfer except in those cases in which a legal obligation is binding. There is no forecast of international data transfer.

RIGHTS: The party can revoke the agreement and exercise their Rights to access, rectify, oppose, limit, keep and suppress data, writing to Vipamar, S.L., in Vía Augusta Nº63 Hotel, 08006 Barcelona (Barcelona) apart from coming to the competent control authority (AEPD).


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07 Mär
08 Mär

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